If you are new to Heritage Academy, we want to make sure you know all parents and teachers are invited to attend our board meetings.
Suggested PTO dues is $20 per family (pay here)
PTO meeting dates
- August 16, 6:00 p.m. virtual – Constitution Week & teacher lunch
- September 20, 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
- October 18, 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
- November 15, 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
- January 24, 2023 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
- February 28, 2023 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
- March 15, 2023 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
- April 18, 2023 6:00 p.m. Room 1 or via google Meet:
2022-2023 PTO Board Members:
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Lunches are an integral part of the school day for our kids. In order for us to provide lunches and snacks, we need parent/caregiver (or grandparent) volunteer support.
We need parents, caregivers, or grandparents of scholars to please sign up at least once during the school year.
Please sign up with this link:
If you are interested in joining the lunch committee, please use this link:
(Help needed: Being in charge of one day a week; or Subbing for those not able to make it that day; or Planning lunches.)
This year’s Lunch Committee:
Sandra Johnstun: Shopper
- Constitution Week
- Teacher Appreciation Lunches 4 times a year
- Sell concessions for athletic and art events
- Daily Lunch Program* – sign up here to volunteer
*We are committed to providing low-cost simple lunch options. We are limited by storage and shelf life so most products are pre-packaged.
Current food list (changes seasonally)
$1.25 – lunchpack – gogurt, uncrustable sandwich, capri sun or water.
Prices: $.25, $.50, $1.00, or 1.25
Fruit bowls
Fruit snacks
Jif to go
Trail mix
Beef jerky
Cheese sticks
Pirates booty puffs
Costco Muffins
Nutri-grain bars
Protein bars
Bagel/crm cheese
Granola bars
Capri sun
Juice boxes
Protein/craisin/cheese pack
Q: Why is there a $20 per family PTO fee each year?
A: Family cost helps at Heritage Academy:
School administration diligently strives to keep costs down and does not randomly pass expenses on to families. To help you plan better, here is a list of possible family costs at Heritage:
- Classes where the cost to run the class needs to be offset by the scholars who are participating. Class fees are used for facility rental for practice, games and performances, for costumes and team uniforms, also consumable supplies used by scholars.
- School uniforms and approved PE clothes and outerwear instead of other school clothes.
- Some sports will require you to have specialized equipment, this information can be found on the applicable class syllabus. Some team sports will require an admission fee to games.
- Some fine arts classes will require specialized equipment and some end of semester fine arts performances will require an admission fee. Teachers will make information available.
- History and Science Tours offered are encouraged but entirely optional at Heritage. They are the Independence/Liberty Tour (for 11th and 12th graders only), Science Tour (for 9th and 10th graders only), and Jr. High History Tour (for 7th and 8th graders only).
- The Music Department plans a Trip for its audition groups.
- PTO asks $20.00 per family per school year.
- Yearbooks are optional, they can be bought this year for through MySchoolBucks.
Heritage will not ask you to participate in fundraisers.
The following are possible ways for families and scholars to fund required class fees and optional tours and trips.
- Raise money through ECA Tax Credits
- On your own
Meanwhile, we’ve brainstormed income ideas that kids are good at!
- Yard work- weeding, mowing, laying pavers, moving debris, etc.
- Babysitting
- Respite- Non-medical, i.e. keeping someone company such as the elderly or special needs kids.
- Cleaning Buddy- homes, garages, attics, windows, BBQ grills, pool cleaning, car detailing/cleaning
- Computer help- teach skills, find and set up apps, help setting up a computer
- Making and selling items such as cookies, salsa, banners, etc.
- Party Buddy- Children’s parties or other. Organizing, leading games, character impersonations
- Pet sitting
- Dog walking
This help was put together by Heritage Academy Mesa PTO.
(If there is a family hardship that will affect your scholar, whether academically or financially, it is suggested that you schedule an interview with the Principal, so they can be aware of your situation. Sometimes there are resources that the school parents are unaware of that they could connect you with that might help.)
The Heritage Academy Mesa Parent Teacher Organization exists to:
- increase and facilitate communications and cooperation between the home and the school,
- to assist teachers with scholar activities outside the classroom, and
- to provide a forum for discussion for any student and school related issues.
Monthly Topics:
August – Dress Code
September – Driving & Parking
October – Lunch & Safety
November – Academics: next year’s class offerings
January – Course Selection Process
February – Fine Arts/Sports
March – Standardized Testing
April – Graduation & End of Year
Please watch for upcoming topics that interest you or just come when convenient. We hope you will feel that coming to the PTO meetings are well worth your time.
PTO meetings are held the third Tuesday of every school month (except December and May).
Find more information under the Parent Tab on the school website or the informal closed Facebook Group under Heritage Academy, Inc. Or contact us at
- Our PTO has no carnival! No big fundraisers! (the school is signed up for Fry’s rewards and Amazon Smile Account, but the PTO has no major fundraisers that we will ask parents or teachers to support.)
- We have a $20.00 per family, beginning of the school year payment, as a yearly dues, period. As a parent or teacher you are automatically a part of PTO at Heritage. Thank you for contributing!
- PTO Board members are parents or teachers at Heritage Academy who are elected yearly in April and their primary responsibility is to chair or co-chair one of the PTO committees. Using their leadership, all parents and teachers are invited to support the year’s initiatives, how and when they are able.
- Interested in CARPOOLING? Click here to sign up. Here is a map & info for Pick Up & Drop Off.
- Emergency ride help: Click here to add your name to the list & get emailed contacts in your area.
- Local transportation links: City of Mesa
For information on how to donate to the school without spending any money, click HERE.